Ever since February 2007 I have been working as an e-Learning consultant and Moodle evangelist for Stoas Learning, the Dutch Moodle partner. From May 1st, I will start in a new role at a different company. I will become a Blended Learning Adviser at Shell International.
Stoas has been a a wonderful employer for me. They have given me a lot of opportunities and trust, enabling me to learn a lot and pursue the things that I find interesting. I have had the chance to do exciting projects for interesting clients (e.g. the Council of Europe, the EO, ABN Amro and Shell), work with some great colleagues and connect with the larger Moodle community. It wasn’t an easy choice to leave…
However, I am excited at the opportunities that I will have at a large multinational like Shell. In this role I will be doing a couple of things:
- Build the capacity for blended learning in the Group
- Be the guardian for Shell’s global Moodle implementation
- Design exciting learning events that impact the business
- Facilitate and moderate Shell’s global community of learning professionals
It is my ambition to stay engaged with the Moodle and edublogger communities through writing this blog: I realise that the only way for me to maximise my potential in this new job is to share as much as I can of what I do and be in many external dialogues. Please tell me when you feel I am straying too far from that goal.
Dearest Hans,
Congratulations with this new step, or should I say new path you walk! I think this is a natural and good next thing to do for you. It fits your professional and personal development.
I’m very glad that we had the opportunity to work together during our time @ Stoas and I’m sure the colleagues at Shell will also benefit from your humour, knowledge and ou-of-the-box thinking.
Enjoy your new challenges within this professional and bright organization!
Cheers, Marcel
Hi Hans,
Just want to thank you for the good days @Stoas. I’m sure you will find your way at Shell. Make the most of it!
Hans, you’re straying away. Knowing you, let me correct myself, having known you, as a critical follower of web usability I am shocked to find out that I have to scroll way back up the page to add a comment. WTF is that? I want to click on the bottom of the post to add a reply and not scroll thousands of miles back up to find a non-informative link (‘2 Responses’) which allows me to comment. My annoyance grew searching for the link to reply resulting in this rant. I knew you would fall for the Mammon but didn’t expect your spine to be this rubbery.
Cheers from your brother in arms,
Couldn’t agree more: I really like this standard WordPress theme though, so this is one of the only times I have chosen form over function. You can’t say the design doesn’t evoke emotions though, which in itself could be considered a good thing…
Dear mr Forked Tongue,
‘You can’t say the design doesn’t evoke emotions though, which in itself could be considered a good thing…’. Quotes like these are reserved for JC14, not mere mortals like ourselves.
BTW, doesn’t every body know you should go to the main page of the post (e.g. here) and would then find the comment field at the bottom?
Gefeliciteerd Hans, blijf jezelf.
Hi Hans,
congrats and keep up the good work!
Cheers, Joost
Very best wishes Hans in your new job.
Many thanks for helping facilitate the Nederlandstalig course on moodle.org.
Hello Helen,
I will keep on helping to facilitate the Dutch course on Moodle.org!
See you at the Moodlemoot on the 277th in Amsterdam,
Congratulations with your new job. And good luck.
I just read about your new job.
Congratulations, Hans. I’m impressed.
Hope you hear from you some day.